I believe in Jacque Cousteau.
Tim and I have, on several occasion, reminisced about our child hood and TV shows that have stayed with us for one reason or another. The Undersea World with Jacque Cousteau is one of those shows that have made an impact on us. I always hated nature related shows that showed the suffering of an animal and just watched it happen. I loved it that Mr. Cousteau would get involved when ever he could make a difference and they would help feed an animal or rescue it if it was trapped, etc, and send it on it's way. I remember once hearing him say something to the effect that Man is a part of nature so we are not doing anything against nature by stepping in when ever we can. I happen to embrace that philosophy.
we live near a busy road and between two lakes. there is a lot of water animal road kill around here. in the Summer and Fall we have a lot of dead geese and in the Spring we have a lot more turtles than the rest of the year. so if we can make a difference we do. Yes, we are very tree hugger about it and we're okay with that.
so this long intro is leading to this...

on occasion we find an animal that needs safe passage from one lake to the other. this unattractive monster was on his way over to the lake and was discovered by Tim yesterday evening so he chose to help him across. being a snapping turtle he was a spunky little thing.
it was a little thing compared to the monster that was in our yard almost 7 years ago. I didn't try to help that one along because I like having fingers...

he/she was at least the size of a serving platter. yikes....
back to last night.

we all came out to have a look at the snapping turtle and then the rescue team escorted it to the lake it was pointed towards when it was discovered.
I stayed behind because I had just given three hair cuts before the excitement and I was itchy and needed to clean up. Timothy stayed behind with me and allowed me to take a few pictures of his new hair cut.

speaking of hair cut.... I never did get around to taking a picture of Emma's hair cut from last month. so finally as promised, a picture of Emma's short hair (as she hams it up a bit)