you may recall in the past I have referred to my kids as crazy. well this is, to some degree, true.
however crazy is not insane. my children are very typical kids, it's just that somewhere in my aging process I have become an old fuddy duddy and I'm only 36. so when my 3 year old comes out of the bathroom after playing with his hair in the sink and looks like this I sometimes have to scratch my head and wonder 'what in the world!'

Ronan is so funny. the better he becomes with mastering the English language the funnier he becomes. I really can't wait to see what he is going to be like as an adult. heaven help me! :)
this week I have been to the post office more than I have in MONTHS and certainly more times in a row than I have ever before. now three days in a row might not be a big deal for most people, but when you live in a place where your mail is delivered to you three days in a row suddenly becomes a lot of times.
first I mailed a present to an old friend. I was so eager for her to have this present before her new baby arrives. she isn't due for a little while yet, but I'm such a procrastinator about a great many things I just didn't want this gift to go to waste.
second trip I mailed a hat that I had been commissioned to make at the sale last weekend. I had the hat 95% done and had to wait until I got a package in the mail of more matching yarn before I could finish it. of course as soon as I had yarn in hand I finished that last 5% in about 15 min tops but had to wait until the next day to send it in the mail. isn't that just the way it goes...
third day I sent an order. I had decided to
relist the pumpkin hat I made last year. it sat in my store last year for four months and the poor little thing just didn't get loved. Connor, however, loved that hat from the beginning. he kept asking me if he could have it. I said that if it didn't sell he could have it. but it didn't sell and I didn't give it to him. (I know, broken promises are a bad thing, especially when you are a parent) I thought what the heck, I'll just relist it and when it doesn't sell (yes, very pessimistic of me) I'll just let him have it then.
I was totally shocked when I looked at my email a few nights ago after having had a terrible day and discovered that someone had bought the hat!
after that I kind of felt bad because Connor did like it a lot.

so we tried it on for size and I snapped a couple of pictures (for referencing) before packing it up and sending it to live in another state.
I then made a trip to Hobby Lobby and bought more orange so I can make Connor his own pumpkin hat. Ronan is going to get one too, but he wants a jack-o-lantern face on his. :)
I'll finish them up tomorrow. I'm just really tired today