I haven't really put much effort in to this one in particular for quite some time now and I have a lot to do in order to get caught up with all the information that I've just not done anything with.
I am going to try to rectify this, at least somewhat... I think I'll have to go about it in stages.
in order to catch the blog up, I have to back WAY up to the end of the school year in June!
Connor was in the local paper - along with several other class members of his. The school has, in years past, had a Mileage Club. they used to only allow 3rd grade and up to participate, which I've thought was really absurd. but last year they decided that younger kids could handle walking a mile or more so why not let them take part?! Connor joined the Mileage Club and he earned his mile token along with a few others in his class.

Connor is the one that I have highlighted... top row, second on the left. (and the first on the left is my nephew)
I've removed names and school information for safety reasons
Timothy! how awesome is this kid?!
at the end of the year they handed out certificates/awards for good behavior and perfect attendance and sports, etc....
Timothy received two awards. first he was awarded for his good behavior. he was very good.

they split up the days they handed out the certificates. the Senior High got their awards first and the next day the Junior High received their awards. the Senior High announced all their winners and gave out awards for Sports and Good behavior and Letters and all that kind of stuff and Timothy was a little annoyed because he thought they were supposed to be handing all the awards out at the same time (he's jr. high) and he'd been really determined to get a perfect attendance. he had one once in Kindergarten but each year since he'd been sick a day here or there and something kept him from reaching that goal. but last year he didn't miss a single day. he'd have a bit of a sniffle and he'd still go to school. he'd have a mild headache and he still went to school. so he was a bit off put when they handed out all the awards for the Senior High and there wasn't a single mention of perfect attendance.
this is why.
the next day they handed out the awards for the Junior High students. they handed out all the sports and good behavior and everything else... and they handed out the ONE AND ONLY award for perfect attendance. Timothy was the only - O.N.L.Y - student in the entire combined Jr. and Sr. High to have gone to school every single day.

he wasn't that zealous when it came to his grades, but he did pass everything. This year already he's been on the B honor roll and also hasn't missed a single day of school.
YAY Tim!