with limited funds we find ways to have a good time once in a while for free. with the park sticker I got from my wonderful husband for my birthday we have gone for long walks in the state park a couple of times and yesterday we had a picnic. I whipped up a picnic with a bit of help from the kids. my present for mother's day was that no kids were to argue at all and they were all to pick our picnic area.
they (Tim) took me to Flandrau State Park. We hadn't been there for a couple of years. As soon as we drove in the gate we saw two white tail deer grazing right up by the road.
We went for a bit of a walk and all the way Connor was pestering me about going back to eat food. he only wanted to eat the pretzels we brought.

after we ate the kids played around on the jungle gym they have there.

the sun finally came out and it warmed up a little bit so the kids played here for quite a while, and they played very well together - which is a nice switch. it seems that when we are out of the house they like each other much more.

as we were leaving town, we made a spontaneous stop at the Schell's Brewery. Yeah, I know... mormons at a brewery on a Sunday... but we just walked around the gardens. I have some vague memories of walking around there when I was little. it had been over 20 years since I have been there but the little gnomes are still there. I didn't take any pictures of them because, honestly, they're kind of creepy little things.

all the plants infront of the kids in this picture are lilly of the valley. it smelled so nice with all those little flowers. I really should plant some at my house.