the bumble bees were enjoying the solomon's seal and were very busy coming and going.

I'm quite sad because as I was trying to get a nice shot out the window an oreal landed on the solomon's seal just long enough to notice me and in a flash of orange he was gone.
However, I am very happy that I saw him at all. I was starting to wonder if they were around this year.
then I went around to the west side of the house. this is were I have most of my flowers.
I had planted some wild flowers last year and this year only one of them managed to make it back. I don't even know what it is.
(the flower book says it's wild blue flax)

in the wild flower bed one other thing came up ~ some yellow sweet clover. yeah, I know that it's a weed, but it was thriving so wonderfully and everything else was so pathetic so I let it live.
it's quite huge now.

it is also full of dozens of honey bees. when ever they are around I tell the kids to be extra careful not to step on them or bother them, not just because I don't want anyone to get stung, but because I don't want the bee to die. when I was little my dad kept bees. the years that my dad kept bees I was only stung twice. I've been stung WAY more times since then.
anyway, I'm a big fan of honey.
rock on little bee!

I also discovered my first morning glories of the year, a bit late since they are already withering. but I was thrilled to see them anyway.
I expect many many more in the next couple of days. they are my favorite. 15 years ago when I first tried growing morning glories, they failed miserably. then I learned the real trick to growing them is to leave them alone. or at least that's what works for me and now they just grow crazy for me.
I expect many many more in the next couple of days. they are my favorite. 15 years ago when I first tried growing morning glories, they failed miserably. then I learned the real trick to growing them is to leave them alone. or at least that's what works for me and now they just grow crazy for me.
Blue flax is my FAVORITE!!!!!
minnesota sure makes up for it's winters with gorgeous springs and summers!
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