so I think to pacify myself I will crochet some Harry Potter themed projects... I have a pattern for a golden snitch. it's really cute and I can make some for the sale.
I also have a totally adorable hat that I made. it is a baby hat. (not at all Harry Potter related, but cute)

I think it's adorable. The orange leaf is a bit bright in the picture but it is cute in person.
I just don't know how much I will ask for it yet. I guess I will probably go on and compare a bit and go from there.
I am also making a couple of toys. there is a book called "If You Give a Pig a Pancake" I am making her and a pancake to go with. right now I am working on his little sweater. I think I will go one step further and embroider the flower on her sweater.
more to come.
Cute pig! I'm also with you on the Harry Potter movie. I would love to see it but have a horrible time justifying the cost. Why do the theaters have to be so expensive?
AAAAH!!! I WANT THAT HAT!!! (So I'd better have another baby to go in it!) Let me know how much you decide to sell it for.
The golden snitch idea is brilliant and this is the perfect time to do it, with everyone thinking Harry Potter thoughts!
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