I'd better be careful or I won't be able to make anything else.
while taking a break from the Christmas present for Emma, I decided to whip up a quick little hat.
for the last month I haven't done too much work on anything but the blanket for Emma for her Christmas present. well, that's not entirely true. I did make a couple of water bottle insulators/coffee cup cozies. oh and a small rug. but mostly Emma's blanket.
anyway, yesterday I got really tired of squares and sewing the squares together so I thought I should do something else for a bit just to give my brain and hands a break from that monotony.
at last month's sale, Lynn's minister and his wife and daughter came by and asked if I could make a strawberry hat. of course I can, but since I didn't get an actual order I didn't do anything about it until now (because a strawberry really would be cute and fun to do)
so I started one.

I need to put seeds on the hat, but I'm still trying to figure out how I want to do it without having a lot of excess yarn tangling up the inside of the hat. Here it is so far. Red yarn does not photograph real well. but you get the idea.
once it's done I'll be posting it in my shop, I think.

I also made this cute hat. it's been a couple of weeks since I've worked on it. I guess I'm waiting for a little inspiration on just how I want to finish it. It is a new born size hat.
Timothy had been watching me work on
this hat (click on links to see) and he asked me if I ever make boy hats.
well, I can, but I just haven't really done much by way of boyish hats - apart from
the pumpkin hat and a couple of plain colored hats. I'll have to do a few of those and then I really should move on to some other things besides hats.