trick or treat. a couple days late, but here are the kids in their costumes.
Ronan kept his pig nose and ears on almost the whole trick or treating adventure. I count that as a success because in previous years with tiny kids and home made costumes they don't stay on very long. (like Connor and his toy box costume which lasted for only one house)
Connor and Emma used their costumes from last year. they didn't seem to feel gypped for having to re-use a costume and actually Emma insisted on using the dress again this year. I'm glad that they weren't upset about reusing because I honestly don't think I could have handled the tantrum that could have happened.
Timothy's costume is a car accident victim. I made fake blood and tore up an old sheet. that costume was totally free! in fact the only thing I spent any money on this year was Emma's sparkle make up and the glow sticks.
Erica is in my old Renaissance Festival dress. she is three things in one. first she is a pre raphaelite painting. second she is the lady of Shallot. and thirdly, she is Me from 16 years ago, complete with long flowing hair and very narrow waste. It's hard on me to see her wearing all my old clothes.
The Shawl she is wearing was something we whipped up in about three hours that morning. She needed something warm and I'm not about to part with my cloak so we improvised very last minute. it turned out pretty good and one of her friends at school asked if she would make one for her. Erica told her if she brings her some yarn in the colors she wants she will make one for her.
In other news... I'm working on some Christmas presents. I am finishing up Emma's blanket. I have 2 small squares to make and 6 small squares to sew on to the blankets edge. then I have to make some more flowers and butterflies and maybe a lady bug or two to sew onto the blanket.
I am almost done with that and I have a goal to have that finished before Thanksgiving.
I am also working on a project for Erica. I'm not sure if I should say anything about it just in case she ends up reading this. I'm really happy that I've been able to keep it a surprise so far. I think everyone else in the family knows I'm making this present for her and they have managed to keep it to themselves! and that's amazing because as recently as June these guys have blabbed about every present that they have known about. I may mention more about this soon. but I am hoping that this will be finished before December as well.
I kind of want to save those last few weeks for planning birthdays and Christmas treats.
I'm feeling really good at this point. I finished shopping for the little boys. as far as purchased Christmas presents I only have 4 left. the anxiety that I usually start to feel around this time of year is considerably less than, say, last year and the last 7 years.
the next thing to do is to find a moment or two alone so I can wrap the presents.
It's so nice when you can reuse costumes! I wish we could have gotten away with it, but nothing fit any of the kids this year. I love how the shawl turned out, by the way. Very pretty. And you're still way ahead of me with the whole Christmas thing. Although, I came across an idea that I might use for my family members this year. I just need to find a great deal on a large number of 2.5 inch wooden eggs.
they look great! good for you to be so on top of christmas...i am not...
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