It's about time I updated the kids' yearly pictures. I took them way back in October and that's the extent of what I got done with them.
I really wish I had taken Erica and Timothy out again. I have such a hard time getting a really good picture of Timothy. For some reason he is terribly camera shy. And the reason I needed better pictures of Erica is because her hair was still wet when we took pictures for this year. She isn’t looking her very best.
But I am pleased with a few of the pictures taken. I guess that I will just have to be content with those few and maybe make them pose in front of the Christmas tree when I get that put set up.
I’ll start with Erica and her wet hair. In just under two weeks, she is going to be 15. I can hardly believe it. Wasn’t she just a baby yesterday? And if she’s going to be 15 that means that I’m older too. I don’t feel older. I feel like I should still be a kid myself.
Timothy, he’s grown taller than me over night! You might think I’m exaggerating that but I don’t think I am. He really was shorter than me just a couple of weeks ago and the other day I realized that he is taller than I am now.
a rare picture of Timothy smiling.
Emma has changed so much in the last year. I think that she has changed the most. Last year’s picture she looks so small and this year she looks like she’s 10. She is so anxious to be big. I’m not ready for her to grow up. She is only 7 years old right now, but I’ll blink and she’ll be turning 15 before I know what happened.

Connor. What more is there to say than that. Just... Connor. What a scalawag ~ I think that's a fairly accurate description ~ but so lovable. I did manage to get a shot here of a well behaved, non-mischievous Connor. He’s not a bad boy, he just loves silliness and often doesn’t know when he should stop.
Baby Ronan. Not a baby anymore, but neither Tim nor I am willing to stop using the word baby for him. Some time soon we will have to but we can still get away with it for a while longer and we are going to take full advantage of that little bit of time.
Every day he has us laughing. Yesterday he was making up songs and playing a violin Christmas ornament like an electric guitar. It’s more of a ‘you had to be there’ moment. It’s hilarious all the same.
he's trying to cross his legs.

so here they are. Our kids.
I can't believe how big they are all getting. I had to laugh reading through your blog because I've had some of the same thoughts about your kids, too! Erica has turned into such a beautiful young woman. I love her pictures, despite the wet hair. I've recently thought the same thing about Timothy, too, about him getting really tall lately. I love his more "contemplative look" picture. I've recently thought that Emma is really growing up, also. She's older looking and isn't as shy at church as she used to be. And I just can't get over how big Connor and Ronan are now. Of course, I think that about Brynn and Logan, too. How come they have to get old so fast???? I love all the pictures! Maybe we'll have to start hiring you to take our kids pictures, too. I obviously never get it done.
They are BEAUTIFUL!!! Each one of them! Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures!
these look great! i already miss the nice weather...
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