for the last few days we have been searching for children's motrin chewable tablets. I love how it takes charge and wipes out my kids' fevers in mere moments. another plus about the tablets is that I don't have a sticky measuring cup to deal with... I just hand over the correct dose, they chew it up and it's just that easy.
now, Connor has a terrible cough. we sent him to school but I instantly wondered if I should have just kept him home.
during our search for the elusive motrin, we (Tim, Ronan, and myself) decided to try the new CVS pharmacy in town. we didn't find what we went there for, but while we were there I picked up some medicine for Connor.
we got done at the check out and were on our way out the door. as I was walking along, I was looking at the receipt and it just wasn't making any sense. I kept looking at it, turning it over to see the back and thinking that I must be looking at it wrong. so I showed it to Tim. we had bought three bottles of juice and the cold medicine. the receipt only had two of the juices. that was it!
we went back in even though Ronan had been tired of our shopping trip and really wanted to go home. we showed the cashier who served us - who was also the shift supervisor - the error. I saw her scan the items, I know she didn't miss it. She was just as perplexed, but she kept thanking us for being so honest and coming back in to fix the error. ran us through again and we were on our way home.
as we were driving home I told Tim I wasn't sure why I was feeling this way, but when she thanked us for our honesty, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed and I really couldn't figure out why I should feel that way for doing the right thing. and even if Ronan has no clue, now, why we went back into the store, he will learn from our example... and more than that, it is what good people do!
during the conversation about my feelings of embarrassment, the fact was brought up that not a lot of people would have turned around and rectified that. we came to the conclusion that that is likely the reason I was feeling that way - I feel embarrassed of the people who don't turn around when they are aware of the problem, therefore creating such amazement when someone does choose the right (CTR). or maybe I'm just ashamed of the times in my past when I didn't turn around.