we aren't quite there because we had one person need to have a lot of dental work done. we needed to get new tires for the van and we were going to pay off any bills that were left at the clinic from last year, I would also love to paint this eyesore of a house.
so we paid the clinic, we got that person's dental work all done - with one small exception...
then we were going to get new tires, but the van broke down. it will cost more money than anticipated. but it's a good thing that I didn't get the van taken in anywhere yet because now instead of fixing our van and painting our house we get to have Ronan go to the hospital and have even more expensive dental work done.

I can come to no other conclusion than God hates me. we can never ever ever catch a break and we are going to be stuck in this hell hole of a house until it falls on us and kills us.
Erica is going to be gone this summer. we won't get to see her for a couple months because our stupid van will still be broken and we will have no way to go get her for family fun.
Can life get any more crap? yes, I'm sure it can. Every year we have some kind of @$#@% to have to deal with that we can't afford to deal with.
give it a little time, I'll probably end up with cancer or something equally wonderful... I do have a bit of a heart issue already anyway. But I won't die, I can't be so lucky... I have to suffer for a good long time.
my self pity party for the week
1 comment:
Oh, Abby, I'm sorry you're so frustrated! I know it can be really, really hard. However, I have to point out a few things that you already know. You have GOOD kids! Yes, they can drive you nuts because that's what kids do, but they're GOOD! And you have a good relationship with them. You hate your house, but you have a house. At least you have someplace to call home and somewhere for your kids to sleep at night. You aren't rich, but you have the money to take care of Ronan's health (or at least some of the money), even if it means the van is on hold for a while. And our house needs painting too! You don't have a booming business, but you sell things that bring in some extra money and you get to sell them to people all over the world! Heavenly Father loves you! And He's watching over you and helping to keep your head above water. You may not be on a yacht, but above water is better than the alternative!
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