I really don't know why I don't sit down to write at least a little bit of something here at least once a week. I really should. I'm really about a year behind on updating things that have happened in our family and I am kind of forgetting things now that I haven't just jotted it down right away.
maybe sometime this week I'll try to recap the last year or so but for now I'll recap the last 6 or 7 weeks
maybe sometime this week I'll try to recap the last year or so but for now I'll recap the last 6 or 7 weeks
But because they only cost between $9 and $15 they are affordable for a kid to save up their own money and learn the value of their dollars.
so far they have gotten them as presents and bought a couple of their own and now they have the beginning of a decent collection. Emma even has a few of them.
so far they have gotten them as presents and bought a couple of their own and now they have the beginning of a decent collection. Emma even has a few of them.
Emma's very delightful friend came to visit. it was a notable visit because she had moved away a year ago. Emma was very sad and missed her tremendously. such very good friends are not so easy to come by.
they had such a wonderful time when she came to visit. they made earrings together and walked down by the lake. they laughed and were so happy. I hope we will get a chance to visit again soon.

they had such a wonderful time when she came to visit. they made earrings together and walked down by the lake. they laughed and were so happy. I hope we will get a chance to visit again soon.

Kellan! started standing for a few moments all by himself.
this picture was taken a day or two before he turned 8 months old.
this picture was taken a day or two before he turned 8 months old.
a tad behind Ronan in the walking department (Ronan was toddling a few steps alone by this age) but Kellan is ahead of the rest of the kids for this developmental milestone.
we figure Ronan and Kellan were/are trying to keep up with the rest of the kids and that's been motivation to get up and walk
I've been working on a blanket to get rid of yarn all over the house.
I'm mostly done with it (more than what this picture shows) and it's a decent size, but I still have a whole bunch of yarn. it feels like I haven't even made a dent in it! I know... crazy for making a big heavy blanket in the summer time. but I've spent most of that time directly in front of a fan and that has helped a lot. but now it's gotten cold out. the last few days have been beautifully cold in the morning. the temperature has dropped to 48* in the night the last couple of nights! then the rest of the day has been in the high 60s and very low 70s. in July!
I'm mostly done with it (more than what this picture shows) and it's a decent size, but I still have a whole bunch of yarn. it feels like I haven't even made a dent in it! I know... crazy for making a big heavy blanket in the summer time. but I've spent most of that time directly in front of a fan and that has helped a lot. but now it's gotten cold out. the last few days have been beautifully cold in the morning. the temperature has dropped to 48* in the night the last couple of nights! then the rest of the day has been in the high 60s and very low 70s. in July!
Mr. Potato is a versatile toy :D
I think Kellan had as much fun putting them on his feet as we did seeing him with potatoes on his feet.
Emma was squealing with laughter... but then again she always does when anything about Kellan is silly.
I think Kellan had as much fun putting them on his feet as we did seeing him with potatoes on his feet.
Emma was squealing with laughter... but then again she always does when anything about Kellan is silly.
My hollyhocks came up in the back of the house. Finally! I planted them two autumns ago and last year they got a bit trampled when we painted the house so they didn't get a chance to grow much more than a little sprout. I was so thrilled when I went back there cutting out cockle burs thinking that the entire back of the house was covered in burs, but no! I had more hollyhocks than burs back there and I was ecstatic about it. they have grown at least another foot or two since I took this picture.
everyone keeps commenting on them about how beautiful they are and how they would like some seeds if that's okay.
everyone keeps commenting on them about how beautiful they are and how they would like some seeds if that's okay.
Legos are also wonderful toy. they are even better for the creativity they bring out in kids. although I think maybe everyone who has ever played with Legos has made a pair of Lego glasses. I did when I was a kid.
and this brings up mostly up to date on the last 6 weeks... except that Kellan is taking steps on his own. he's maxed out on about 15 steps unassisted before he decides crawling is still a faster mode of transportation.
on Monday he will be 9 months old and we are going to be taking him to his well check appointment. we're eager to get a real weight and height on him since he is already wearing 12 month size clothes.
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