I'm sure that I will be adding and subtracting from this one today. I really don't know what to talk about since our lives are very average and I think fairly dull to the average person.
A list of our excitement consists mainly of keeping Ronan from playing in the toilet or maybe a terrific recipe I made for supper.
With that said, our recent excitement is that Erica is home from camp. She is tan as tan can be and she had a wonderful time. She took some pictures but I thought that she would have had way more than she did so I guess they kept the girls very busy. The evening that she got home my dad had a get together at his house to celebrate pioneer day. Leonnie made bonnets for all the ladies and little ladies. We didn't get any pictures of us all wearing them; I don't know why. But anyway, we ate a lot of yummy food. Dad made chicken and potatoes in his dutch ovens and the rest of us were told to bring a salad or something. we all brought the or something. I thought I was being all clever and brought a bunch of strawberries and bananas and grapes and apples, I cut them up and mixed them all together to make a yummy fruit salad. Much to our amusement, Alice was the only one to bring something other than fruit. (okay, Adrienne probably was the one who brought chips and of course pickles)
We played with Dad's new pups. They are so cute. As soon as I have my pictures transfered to my computer I will post one of the dogs. We would like to have a dog but we believe Timothy to be allergic to dogs. However he didn't have any kind of reaction from petting the dogs on Friday, so perhaps it's something he has outgrown. (but then again maybe we have been using Timothy's allergy as an excuse... we'll see)
so I looked at all my pictures and they all turned out kind of miserable. So you only get one.
my nephew, my dad and the puppies. Charlie is the one on the table, Max is sitting on the bench. They are so nice. They are learning pretty well and didn't jump too much.
tim and I love my dad's back yard. I love his house, but his yard is a nice little Eden. They have wonderful raspberries which are delicious. Tim and I snitched one. They have mulberries by their garden at the top of their ravine. They have a terrific little garden. Some day Tim and I will be able to have a nice, newish kind of house and nice yard. Of course by then our children will be grown up and we won't be able to remember them anymore.
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