But Sarah had asked me a question about church. When I was much younger my family always sat in the same pew every single Sunday. She had wondered if we are still in the same pew and I sadly reported that the pew was gone as there had been a huge amount of remodeling approximately 11 years ago. So I thought I would show a picture or two of what our old church looks like now (at least from the outside).
I will start with the new bits that they don't know and bring it back around to what hasn't really changed (at least not by much)

Long ago this parking lot used to be a beautiful, large back yard with a thick wooded area at the back. I miss it. I think I especially miss it because this lot is never ever used to it's capacity. But I suppose it means less expense when it comes to lawn care, but I don't think that's such a great compromise.

Wow! Thank you! You know, I remember now that I did see the addition, at least from the outside, when I went on a trip to MN in 1999. I never realized how small that building was. And I think my dad told me that originally it was even smaller, without the hallway on the west side. Do you remember that?
Does it still have orange carpet?
I miss that back lawn. And there were many happy hours spent in those woods. I used to go back there and pick violets for my mom.
I do remember before the west hallway. my sisters remember it before the old gym and kitchen. the building ended right after the men's bathroom. That was remarkably tiny.
The carpets are blue now. It was a good change.
Violets. I remember picking them and then wrapping the ends in a damp paper towel.
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