I love Autumn. It is my favorite season, I think it always has been. I love the cool weather, the dry air, the wonderful colors, the reduction of mosquitoes because of the cold nights.
The last few days we have been experiencing an Indian Summer. It's amazing how terrible 80 degrees feels once you've gotten used to 70.
But this warm weather and a touch of rain a few days ago has perked up a few of my flowers.

Yesterday was my nephew's birthday. Timothy went with him and some of their friends to the park at the lake behind our house and went fishing. No one caught any fish. Most likely they were just making too much noise and being too silly. But at least they had fun and that was really what they were there for.
We went and joined them for hamburgers and cake and ice cream but the kids played for a while before the food.
Everyone had a fun time. Emma had on her bonnet from Grandma Leonnie. she loves that thing. I think she'd wear it to school if I let her.
Ronan did pretty well at the lake. He actually stayed out of the water, but then my younger sister was there and Adrienne is always popular.
If you look really closely at Ronan's head you can tell that he's had a hair cut recently. I think I did an okay job for how squirmy he was. It is a bit frizzy so it's a good thing that hair grows. :)

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