I don't have any brand new baby Erica pictures (long story) to show how tiny she was and now how grown up she is. This morning I didn't even get a picture of her before she went to school. But I will be getting pictures of her when she gets home. I will be updating this post when that happens.
but until I can get those pictures and have more to write about her day ~
Happy Birthday Erica! I love you.
So now I'm back with pictures to share and captions to write.
Here she is! Now old enough to go to dances and only two years away from dating and driving a car. (maybe longer) ~ Erica comments " 'No way' says I".

Daddy had to work to night. He wasn't able to take the night off so we called him when Erica was ready to open her present. So in a small way Dad got to be a part of her day.

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