Again I don't have any brand new baby Timothy pictures to post. :(
You get to see his first birthday picture of the day (in the rest the flash reflected badly in his glasses).
Good Morning Birthday Boy!

for some unknown reason my mind keeps trying to tell me that he is turning 12 this year. I'm a year fast. He still has little kid hands and I look at his hands and face and think it won't be long before he grows up in has the chiseled face of a man and big strong hands. He is growing up so quickly. I never feel prepared - how silly of me.
please forgive me for taking so long to post more pictures of Timothy's birthday. It has been such a hectic weekend. Oy!
This is the second time around for Timothy blowing out his candles. I had grabbed the camera and shot away and right after he blew out his candles I had discovered that I had forgotten to put the CS card in the camera. So we re-lit the candles and had him blow them out again. we didn't sing a second time, there's no reason to torture the poor boy.

Then we opened presents and he really likes the magic set he got from grandma and grandpa.

my nephew came over to play around with Tim on his birthday and he ended up staying the night. Tim and I could hear them in Tim's room laughing and whispering until after midnight.
They had a fun time.
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