Thursday, July 29, 2010

my pleasure, baby

So, there are times when I walk into a room and am completely revolted. such was the case with my bathroom because of the bath mats and the pee ring around the toilet this morning. Really? I know you boys are little but you have the capability of being able to aim - now Do It!

I Lysoled the potty and threw the bath mats in the washer with a LOT of bleach.

Emma: What's all over the floor?
Me: it's probably garbage I haven't swept up yet.
Emma: it's all wet.
Me: What?!
  • from time to time the laundry room drain (being that this is a very OLD house) will run slow and the water will start to back up a bit in the bathroom sink. ICK i know
I walk into the bathroom thinking the washer back up to the point of over flowing the sink only to find a nice big puddle by the toilet, Not the sink.

Me: is this pee? this is pee!
Ronan: Oh, it was me, it was ME!
Me: Well, this needs to be cleaned up!
Ronan: You can clean it up

what an honor. the pleasure is all mine, apparently


Krista, Greg and Zachary! said...

oh, Minnesotian sarcasm how I miss thee. Great post Abby. Get that boy a towel and show him how it's done, LOL!

Abby said...

I whole heartedly believe that the bathroom cleaning (at least the toilet) should be the sole responsibility of the males in the house. You mess it up like that you clean it!

I didn't know that there was such a thing as MN sarcasm, I just thought that was normal. it is for me anyway ;)

almost 2 years have gone by

why do I always do this? so many things have happened in the past two years.  I just feel so silly that I haven't kept up on the blog.  ...