so we turned on the sprinkler and the kids ran around through it and cooled off and had a good fun time.
I decided that it was just as good a time as any to give the boys a hair cut and got started with that. and then Emma felt like she'd had enough of the sprinkler and went to get her towel.
I heard a shriek. not of fear but of a bit of a shock and fun surprise.
"Mom, I just saw a squirrel! how small can squirrels be?"
I asked if it was a regular squirrel or a chipmunk and they all went to go check.
it was hiding under the van and it would brave out and then seek shelter under the van again. it did this for a couple of minutes and then it must have realized that we weren't going to hurt it and it came out further.

it's hard to tell size from the pictures, but he must have only been about 6 or 7 inches long nose to tip of his tail.

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