but I can't say that I didn't warn. I have mentioned that this is in many ways my journal for my life. you can't honestly say that you haven't had crappy days that you just couldn't contain yourself. but I am not going to promise that my entries are going to be all sun shine and rainbows. in fact i won't promise that at all, because they just won't be.
and truly I don't write everything in here. i have some really really horrible moments, and I likewise have some really really awesome! moments too.
in fact just yesterday after a really really horrible moment I came in and checked my email for my store and found that at that moment things turned into a really really awesome! moment. I had a customer last December buy a pattern/chart from me and they finished up the blanket. they took a couple of pictures and sent them to me. it looked Amazing! if I hadn't known that I was the designer I would have been jealous, it was that great.
and now for something completely different
my baby... he's so silly.
I had made a beanie hat a couple of years ago. I had it at a couple of craft sales and I had it listed in my shop and no one wanted it. I really felt like nobody is giving it a chance. however, at one of the craft sales, I had a girl try it on and really loved it, but didn't want a beanie style... she wanted a longer hat.
so I revisited that hat. I've been meaning to do it for so many months now, but yesterday I decided that it really had to be done.
Ronan put it on last night and wanted me to take his picture.
the first is him being his regular silly self.

and this second is just so adorable - even if he is wearing a girl hat

remind me to tell about his oral surgery from last month... (I'll have to get Tim to send me the pictures so I can post those too)

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