Monday, January 24, 2011

how did you get here?

I was just wondering...

I have posted a link here and there on MY facebook to this blog, but lately I've noticed that there are some visitors coming in to a specific post on my blog from facebook that I did not link directly to.
the question now arises... who is posting links to my blog on facebook?

I've been getting hits from parts of Canada (howie... if it's you, okay. but I have more yarn on my yarny blog), Oregon, and parts of California (where I don't know people) is kind of making me wonder

I mean it's one thing if I link over to the goings on of my family, but it's just kind of weird that someone I don't know is saying hey everyone on my facebook friends list, read this.
most stuff on here isn't highly personal, but it's mine to share... know what I mean.

so if you are sharing links on facebook, would you at least let me know about it? that way I can know where the traffic is coming from and go from there.


Anita said...

The only thing of yours that I've linked to on Facebook is your etsy shop when you were having a sale. Nothing to this blog!

Abby said...

Anita, if you had that would totally be fine... the weird thing is I have gone through everyone on my friends' list and checked and none of my friends are the ones who linked to it. at least not that I've been able to find.

so I really have to wonder who stumbled on my blog and thought they needed to share me. they didn't find it through my facebook links. I'm totally private there so as to avoid the evil ex.

but I think the bit that makes me a tad 'uncomfortable' about this is the post they linked to. it's the one I posted about Christmas. and for some reason that make me go

i've been kind of wondering if it might have to be time to private up my blog :(
I hope not. that would make me sad. I keep it open a bit more for Tim's relatives who may pop in once in a great while. but many of them may be deterred if they have to jump through the hoops of signing up and having to have my permission.

but if I knew who it was... and I felt comfy with them sharing the link then I would feel different right now.

Krista, Greg and Zachary! said...

Abby! I Thought I'd said something! I shared it because of the Dr. Who blanket you made. My friend wants the pattern. I'm sorry I should have checked your other blog to see if it was there first! She is just a hugh fan of Dr. who and I knew she'd love the blanket. She is trying to get her mom to make it for her after she gets the pattern. I'll refer her to your ETSY shop for anymore questions. SORRY!

Abby said...

It was you?! NO WAY
you had mentioned but I must have assumed that you showed her my store or just a picture.
oh duh, me...

that's fine. It just seemed weird because there were several locations hitting the blog that I didn't know anyone from.

well, mystery solved and I feel a lot better
and a little foolish too. :\

almost 2 years have gone by

why do I always do this? so many things have happened in the past two years.  I just feel so silly that I haven't kept up on the blog.  ...