Sunday, February 6, 2011


we've lived in this house for over 11 years. (some of us, anyway) all that time I have really not liked my bathroom. it was blue wall paper with a faux rag roll and I'm sure that it has been hanging on the wall for about 20 years.
it is horrible.

over the last two years I have noticed little bits here and there - but mostly by the toilet - of the wall paper being pulled away.

I really don't like wall papering. so the plan has always been to paint it, but the plan was put into action the other day when I looked around at the peeling paper and scribbles on the cabinet doors and I couldn't help myself. I began ripping it all down.
it was so cathartic I really had a difficult time stopping myself.
I pulled and peeled and sanded and counted layers - at least 5 - going back at least 60 years and the last layer is on so good and tight that I suspected for a while that it might have come from the manufacturer as pre-papered wall sections.

now I hope that the colors I chose will not be way too dark for the small space. if it is, i'll just get some lighter paint for accent points in the room.

but as a result of two days of pulling down, sanding off, spackling and washing off wall paper paste, my back is just about shot. I can still walk, so that's a plus, but it's all slow going.

I don't have any before pictures, I might take a during picture and after pictures.


Birrd said...

Oh please oh please DO take pictures!

Anita said...

Demo work can definitely be cathartic! Fixing everything back up is generally such a pain, though! I can't wait to see pictures.

I love the comment about the walls coming pre-papered. That was funny!

Unknown said...

So glad we got to see the color of the walls. Keep up the good work.

I love you all so very much.

Gramma Lynn/Mom

PS - Keep the mask on while sanding Tim -

almost 2 years have gone by

why do I always do this? so many things have happened in the past two years.  I just feel so silly that I haven't kept up on the blog.  ...