Wednesday, August 26, 2009

YARN! Part 2

this is a few days over due. I promised some pictures several days ago and I haven't been very diligent about the finishing touches and the pictures until this morning.

with all the yarn that Jannie gave me and I absorbed from another generous donor, I decided that I probably should get cracking to make some space so I settled on making hats.

I have another one that is just a brown beanie type hat right now. I will decorate that one later... but in the mean time here are some pictures of completed hats. I am going to list two of these today on my web store
the hat that Connor is wearing is a hat that I owe everyone an apology for. a couple of people picked it up and said "oh, it looks like there's brown in this!" and I would say "well, it's blue, I just used blue, blue and blue." and I insisted that I was right. then I picked it back up today just before I put it on Connor's head and realized that I am mentally challenged and it is in fact blue blue and brown!

This hat is a modified hat from a hat that was sort of copied from the movie Twilight. the pattern is all wrong and in the end it turns out kind of pointy when I follow the old pattern. I couldn't stand it so I changed the pattern to lay flatter on top and to much more closely resemble the hat in the movie. I probably will do a bit more adjusting on my pattern of it because I'm not 100% satisfied with it.

This one is a pumpkin. I thought about making it be a jack-o-lantern but after putting the curly 'vines' on it I decided that putting a face on it would make it too busy and it is adorable as it is. plus then it isn't strictly limited to being worn in October.

Thanks again, Jannie.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Eeeeeeee ~ a squeal of delight and excitement

I'm so excited!

I just sold my first item! I sold a copy of my crown pattern. Oh JOY! I feel giddy and all kinds of other things that right now I can't explain... kind like a really happy puppy!


Friday, August 21, 2009


I made three hats today from yarn that I got from Tim's aunt.

Thank You, Jannie

I'll have pictures of them tomorrow

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

and so begins the Christmas season

I'm a planner. I really hate going into a situation without knowing what is going to happen. So come July I like to start thinking of what to buy our many kids for Christmas.
because we have what I like to think of as a unique situation (though I'm certain that there are many people with similar situations)... we have two children who's birthdays are two weeks before christmas. Erica on the 11 and Timothy the very next day.
When Timothy was but a tiny 7 month old baby I decided that something had to be done if I was going to be able to afford two birthdays and then Christmas so closely behind that. the answer to that problem was this: I would start buying presents here and there from July until Christmas. it has worked so beautifully. I have had to cut down the number of presents each child gets, mainly because they just get so over loaded with things that they don't enjoy them and I didn't enjoy Christmas.

Today I ordered the first present of our 2009 Christmas season. I'm feeling very proud of myself and yet I feel that I have slacked on this and like last year the anxiety will kick in soon because I waited month too long to get started.
but this year I am limiting the number of gifts to 3 from mom and dad (aka Santa - though they all know that we are the big guy) and we will have the kids draw names out of a hat some time around November. I think I can handle that, but I'd better get crackin'

Sunday, August 9, 2009

an afternoon walk at the falls?

everyone here has been fairly stir crazy lately, especially the kids. We really haven't gone and done anything this summer. I really don't know what has kept us from picnics and walks like we have done in past years. I guess it's been my lazy lack of planning those kinds of things.

So today when Connor was crying at the drop of a hat every couple of minutes, I decided that it was time to get out of the house and get his mind off his woes.

We went to Minneopa Falls ~ if you can call them that today. there was almost no water at all! just the tiniest trickle from underground and what water was on the surface was mucky and gross.

because there was really no water at all everyone climbed down and walked around the 'river' bed on the upper falls.where everyone is standing right now is usually covered with tons of rushing water. we didn't stay there long because I was having a heart attack and this is why...
the sheer drop, though not a great distance to fall, still lands on hard rocks and a puddle of water.

Tim would look at something down below and make a comment about it and then all the kids would hop over to the edge to look. on their best days our kids have two left feet. having them jump all over the uneven rocks (not all of them a solid foot hold) to get over to the edge had me on edge. personally I'm afraid of heights, but to have my children fighting to have the best view over a sudden drop is real horror for me.
After hopping all around the upper falls we climbed down into the ravine and crossed the bridge that the kids usually play Pooh Sticks off of. they could not play it today because there was almost no water there either and certainly not enough running water to float sticks down stream.
I have to work on the pictures that I took down there because the lighting was dim and they didn't turn out great. I'll see if I can get them to work out.

Ronan wanted to wear my sunglasses so bad. after he had them on he said "picker me" which for him means 'take my picture looking so cool with these sunglasses on" so I made all the kids sit together and get their picture all together. This was their best pose.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

in the process

I am setting up an shop.
I have decided to call it crocheteveryday. I figure that is somewhat catchy and easy to remember. Now I will have to figure out shipping costs and as soon as I have done that I will list my first item.

then I will be making some business cards. I want to avoid phone numbers on it, but I can put my etsy shop and email on it so people can get a hold of me that way.

I have to say I'm a bit excited about it.

I will let you know more as I have more to tell and a link to my shop.

almost 2 years have gone by

why do I always do this? so many things have happened in the past two years.  I just feel so silly that I haven't kept up on the blog.  ...