Tuesday, January 29, 2013

big baby

I was willing to accept that the first time Kellan flipped over from back to front was an accident.  he was only 1 month old after all.  then he really didn't want to have anything to do with rolling and turning until today.
He would not sit still and it was making my arms sore trying to keep him in my arms and on my lap so I put a blanket down and prepared myself for crying and screaming.
none of that happened.  I stepped into the next room for about 1 minute and when I walked back in he was on his tummy all by him self.
this really wasn't an accident because (with the slope in our very old floor) he rolled up hill.

he then chewed his hands and fixated on the blanket for about 8 minutes before getting irritated.

he appears to be seriously contemplating the ugly blanket
except that there's nothing serious about that look  :)

finally a picture

I almost missed getting a space between teeth.  I had grabbed the camera and made him stand still for a few shots two days before when there was barely a tooth peeking out.  then I realized that I had forgotten the memory card in the printer and the pictures I took didn't really take.  DOH!
his tooth is coming in so quickly.  I really wouldn't be surprised if he has another tooth fall out in the next couple of weeks.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

I don't want to forget this

This happened in October and if I don't put it here it will get lost in Facebook and forgotten forever.

the saddest and the funniest thing I've ever heard at 3am.

Ronan: mamma, I had a bad dream!
Me: oh no, that's terrible!
Ronan: there was a mouse... it could talk.  it said (in a low voice) "I'm going to eat you" and then it licked my face.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

WAY too much information Alert

My blog is kind of my journal after all and I did warn people that it isn't going to be all unicorns all the time on here.  Sometimes my life has crappiness and I have crappy feelings.
I'm sure I won't be able to put into exact words what it is that I am going through.  maybe someday I might be able to express my feelings adequately but I'll give it a try

I am sad.
Kellan had latch problems when he was born.  it lasted for about two weeks or something like that, but because of that I had to pump to allow my breasts to heal because they were blistered, bleeding, and sore.  Because of having to pump I had a very close idea of how much milk I was making.  Because pumping doesn't empty the milk as effectively as a baby would I don't know the exact amount... however, I knew that I just was NOT making enough.  So we tried pumping every two hours and then feed him with a bottle what I just pumped.  it didn't take long before he was needing more than I could make and pumping all the time like that leaves me with no time for much else, so my routine was this - pump, feed, change diaper, maybe get a few minutes of snuggle time, hope he stays happy enough for me to pump, repeat.  in between that try to get some food for myself.  Never mind a shower, I don't have time... and so on.
the fact that my boobs are just not working has been taking a highly emotional toll. I have never had supply problems on this scale before.  With Connor he was just eating ALL the time that I was never able to pump a bottle for Tim to feed him, but I always had enough to feed him and keep him alive.  But this time... if left up to my body's ability to lactate this time, Kellan would have starved to death a long time ago (makes me feel like crap).  because of that we've had to supplement with formula.  that makes me feel like crap.  Plus formula hurts his tummy and so it is NOT the best thing for him and that too makes me feel like crap.  But I think what bothers me the most is this.  I've had a couple of people comment, thinking that I feel bad about not having that closeness you have with breastfeeding.  yeah a tiny bit, but really it's this - what is supposed to set me apart from every other person in the world in regards to my baby (being able to make food for him) isn't working, so what good am I?  I'm no different than anyone else to him.  I feel so completely worthless because, hey, now anyone can be his mama.
Now everyone will say "that's not true" and they will try to tell me just how I'm this or that and no one else can this and or that and that is somehow supposed to make me feel like being broken like I am is not a big deal.  Well, it is a big deal.  I am broken and I am less and it hurts me.

In an attempt to make me work properly, I've been taking a medicine called Domperidone.  it is a dopamine blocker and is supposed to allowe my own prolactin hormones to become effective and therefore allow me to lactate better.  even taking this medication I am only able to manage 2 ounces (a rare 3) each time I pump (sometimes a bit less).  Kellan needs at least 4.  without this medicine I can only manage 3/4 of an ounce with both breasts.  for some reason my doctor doesn't seem to think that it is a proven medication and is not going to prescribe it anymore for me so as soon as I run out, that's it.
I'm looking at completely failing and being 100% useless in less than two weeks.
I'm no more than a baby sitter at that point.

so now I will always wonder if I would have ever been successful if we had never gone to a bottle.  Kellan would never have known the difference between my useless breasts and a speedy bottle and maybe he would have had to nurse for 45 minutes every 45 minutes like Connor did, but it just might have worked.  Now I'll never know.
This doesn't even begin to explain what I'm going through.  And I'm sorry if you see me lose it here and there and just cry.  I'll try not to cry very long, but it is going to happen from time to time.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

trying to keep up with his changing

I was talking to Kellan today and realized that it has been over a week since I've taken a picture of him.
in fact it's been over a week since I've take a picture at all.  (I had grabbed my camera and made Ronan pose so I could get a picture of his first missing tooth space.  but like the idiot I am, I had forgotten to put the memory card back into my camera.  ARGH!)

I grabbed the tiny video camera that I am indefinitely borrowing from Erica since she got her ipod (5th gen. so it has a camera and video capabilities)

it really is hard to get footage of him smiling or 'talking'.  it seemed the moment that I put the camera between the two of us he started to cry.

finally not crying

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Macaroni lost his first tooth

on the 9th Ronan lost his first tooth.  the tooth fairy was hardly prepared to stop by until a couple of nights later.  I have yet to take a picture....  posting here might prod me a bit to pick up my camera and take a few.

he had me write a note to the tooth fairy.  that kid had high expectations!  He asked for two 10 dollar bills.  "WOAH!" I said, then I told him the tooth fairy works with 1 dollar bills.  he settled for 2.  :)
then he wanted a bag of candy.  tooth fairy gives candy... keeps her in business I guess.

so when it came time for the tooth fairy to get to work, she found these pictures that Ronan and Emma drew after I sent them to bed.
a big orange flower next to a tooth flower
 tooth flower, tooth brush flower, and tooth paste flower 

I think this is Ronan holding his tooth as drawn by Emma

I almost couldn't find his tooth in order to give him $2.00

almost 2 years have gone by

why do I always do this? so many things have happened in the past two years.  I just feel so silly that I haven't kept up on the blog.  ...