Wednesday, March 23, 2011

yesterday at the falls

Last October I wrote about our local state park and the waterfalls there. with all the flooding we had last year and the fact that it was late in the year, the water didn't have a lot of time to fully recede before the ground froze - thus leaving a lot of water in the ground for the Spring thaw. well, it's been thawing a lot for a few days now and the falls are again in full flow.

yesterday the kids were still off from school and Tim was off from work so we ran out there for about 15 minutes (it was raining and cold) just so we could have a look at the falls pouring over full force.
Erica and Timothy have great video ability on their little point and shoot cameras and I had them catch a bit of video of the falls while we were out there.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

drum roll please


that's right, everybody! Erica recited Pi to the 636th place.


Friday, March 11, 2011

I've had it with my ugliness

I really hate looking at my daughter wearing all my favorite clothes. I miss my clothes, I miss my pretty little waist line, I miss my beauty.
I know what you are all going to say, but really. I AM UGLY. there really isn't anything you can say to change my mind about that. I don't look the same as I did just 5 years ago. compare me to the most blubbery whale you can find and the whale is the skinny one.
I look in a mirror and don't recognize myself behind that hideous blob.
I am also very sorry that my husband ever has to be seen with me. I suppose that's why we don't go on dates anymore.

so I am working myself up to being anorexic.
that's why there is a weight lose ticker on the sidebar, there at the top right--
I look at this blog fairly often so if I have something in my face reminding me of my failures, I'll be much more likely to shun the evil food.

I've started by cutting out my beloved Dr. Pepper. it hurt me deeply to abandon it. but in the last two weeks I've lost 15 pounds, not that you can notice, or anyone else, as I avoid public appearances as much as possible.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

oww, Emma

my poor Emma. She came home from school yesterday looking like she had been in an accident.
it looks much more terrible in person than it does in the pictures.

I took one look at Emma and I couldn't believe my eyes! I asked her what had happened and she didn't say anything, she just handed me a note from the school nurse. she didn't say anything until I was done reading it.

apparently she was in gym and one of the kids had picked up an exercise mat and dropped it... right on her face.
when Tim got home and he was teasing her about it a little he asked her "so now you aren't getting married?" she, of course, denied every having a boyfriend :) but went on to say that the boy that had been involved in the Mat Incident is actually mean to her all the time.
this isn't going to win that kid any fanfare from her.

poor sweety

Monday, March 7, 2011

a sign of spring?

this weekend I had to run to town and run to a couple of stores. at the checkout at the first stop I had a brief conversation with the cashier about what I was making and what he does (being that he's an artist with a day job) nice little chit chat, but I don't usually get that chatty, especially when there is a huge line behind me - we didn't hold up the line

then the next store I had to go to I again found myself in a chatty little conversation with the cashier about cereal and summer squash (of all things!)

as Tim and I were leaving the store I got to thinking that that was quite odd. I rarely ever have conversations of any sort as I am going through the cash register, especially when I only have a couple of items... but there I was having another little 'coffee talk' with the guy at the register.

I think it must have something to do with the weather. it's getting closer to lovely weather and it makes people happy.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Dear Winter, i dislike you with heated passion

I never used to hate Winter time. alright, hate is a very strong word, but dislike without rival may be more appropriately descriptive.

why do I have such passionate feelings? well, I have children, and a small house, and close quarters make us share many things, germs being one of them.
Germs happen in the Summer as well, but at least then you can open the windows wide and send the germs on their way.

it seems every day I hear someone say "mom, my throat hurts" or "mom, I feel like I'm going to be sick".
everyone has taken their turn with being sick and then we take it in turn again.
last week Emma was going to stay the night at my sister's house and play with her cousins. We took her out there and they played for hours and had a great time. then at 11:45pm the phone rang and it was my sister telling us that Emma had thrown up. Tim went out to get her and was getting her all settled in and medicated when she threw up again. She sleeps on the top bunk in the girls' room and I really didn't want her to have to try to climb down and run to the bathroom if she was going to do it again, so she stayed with us in our room. :(
just when I thought she was past being sick for a while.... she told me this morning that he throat was hurting. I looked and it is red, but I'm not ready to run off to the doctor quite yet. but Emma does tend to be susceptible to Strep so I kept her home today to monitor her.

Erica has been mentioning feeling ill, but at 16 I have to be a little skeptical because she pulls through during the day and then night and early morning is the worst for her.
is it really germs or just unfinished homework assignments?

Connor has been sick recently, and I had to have him home from school a couple of weeks ago. I anticipate it will be his turn again soon.

Ronan has had a fever recently. he's bounced back pretty quickly, despite my lack of magic tablets aka Motrin. I miss my Jr Strength Motrin

Tim has had a sore throat for the last few days. he called me from work a couple of days ago and I could hardly hear him. He's the one I really have to keep an eye on. he wouldn't go to a doctor if I didn't make him.

in fact, the only one of us who hasn't been sick has been Timothy. he rarely does get sick... plus he's quite determined to have a perfect attendance this year.

I can hardly wait for another 5 weeks to go by so I can open windows

almost 2 years have gone by

why do I always do this? so many things have happened in the past two years.  I just feel so silly that I haven't kept up on the blog.  ...