Wednesday, February 16, 2011

off to the dentist again

to figure out what happened to my poor kid.

he had a filling done yesterday and about an hour after getting home he had this enormous fat lip. I thought he had bit his novocained lip and that's why it got all swollen, but after checking on him in the middle of the night and seeing that his lip was still just as large, I was persuaded to think of some other options.
a couple of weeks ago he had been to the dentist and had a filling and novocaine then. his lip woke up in the allotted time, but it remained a bit paralyzed through the following day.
I didn't think much of it at the time....
also this last spring he'd had a reaction of hives to something unknown and our best guess then was that he had eaten cherries and he had never had real cherries before. it is my understanding that if you are allergic to cherries you are likely to be allergic to latex. we thought he might have been allergic to cherries, but then a few months later he ate some cherries again before I could warn my sister that we suspected that, however he had no reaction then. So I figured I was wrong.
maybe I wasn't completely wrong.

but now we are on our way to figure this thing out.

poor kid :(

the dentist says he just bit his lip and that it could possibly take up to 4 days before the swelling goes down! that's so sad!
I have him home from school today allowing him to eat cold popsicles in an attempt to reduce the swelling.
and I just realized that I'm out of children's motrin. Time to call the husband

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almost 2 years have gone by

why do I always do this? so many things have happened in the past two years.  I just feel so silly that I haven't kept up on the blog.  ...