Wednesday, October 24, 2012

an early picture of our baby

today we had a biophysical ultrasound to check our baby's growth and make sure everything is as it should be.
this kid is estimated to be about the same size as my last few kids.  by the time I go into labor it is likely that I will have another 9.5 pound baby again.

I am starting to have a little bit of anxiety.  but I'm a big girl and can deal with it. and what I can't do, my perfect husband will help me through.
but I am also excited to meet this little person with my terrific husband.  I cherish these very private moments we've had welcoming our new children into the world and into our lives and this time will be no different.
we are anxious to see who this baby is going to look like and who they will be when they grow up.  we are very anxious to cuddle and love this beautiful person.  We're excited to introduce him/her to our other children and have that wonderful moment with each of them.


Krista, Greg and Zachary! said...

Abby! This is so exciting and I must admit I am jealous :D I Think maybe I need another baby too! Haha, good luck and sending love from LA!

Abby said...

thank you, Krista.
I hope that you will get to have another pretty baby. your kids are so adorable.
I love how every baby is the most beautiful person ever seen. it's their spirits, they are so perfect and beautiful. it just radiates right through them.

Anita said...

I can't wait to meet this new little one, too!!!

almost 2 years have gone by

why do I always do this? so many things have happened in the past two years.  I just feel so silly that I haven't kept up on the blog.  ...