the other day Ronan was running through the living room, though all the kids know perfectly well that they are not supposed to run in the house. He tripped and banged his nose on a gigantic block and he scrapped a bit of skin from the bridge of his nose. I'm sure it was bruised a bit as well, but we can only see the scrape and scab.
This morning he picked at it and the scab came off. it wasn't bleeding but he insisted on a band-aid and proceeded to put it on by himself because he's so grown up now that he's two.
I left the room and didn't see the good job he did by himself until he came out of the bathroom.
I had to take a picture

All better.
That is just too funny! Good thing he didn't have on on his chin, too. He might not have been able to breathe!
what's funnier still is that he kept it on for about 5 hours.
every time he walked by me I just cracked up over and over.
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