Thursday, September 9, 2010

the first day of Kindergarten

getting ready for school. I think you can tell that he was really happy about this morning

it has been raining non-stop since before 5am. I didn't get to take any pictures outside of the building... with the exception of this one and that's only because we were under the overhang. but we didn't have much time there because we were blocking the door so I just shot quickly.

three kids at school? only two of them are actually attending, but Ronan has been in denial about how big he really is and has refused to listen when we tell him that he isn't going to kindergarten with Connor. because of that he had to have his back pack too and wore it to school

after Connor hung up his back pack Ronan went over to the hooks and was going to hang his there too. it was heart breaking to see him so eager to be big.
it's heartbreaking to see Connor so grown up!

poor Ronan

he just can't understand that he isn't old enough. He never has known that he is littlest

Connor did really well. he looks like he might have gotten a little emotional right before we left, I know that I was.

I can't wait until he gets home.


Carrie Jeffrey said...

tanner was the same way this morning - poor boys!

Anita said...

Poor Ronan looks so sad!!! Logan didn't have any issues with not staying at school but he asked several times during the day where Brady and Brynn were and when they were coming home. It's a good thing I kept him occuppied most of the morning with grocery shopping!All these little three year olds are going to be going to kindergarten before we know it!

almost 2 years have gone by

why do I always do this? so many things have happened in the past two years.  I just feel so silly that I haven't kept up on the blog.  ...