Monday, May 18, 2009

the sale went as well as could be expected

considering the cold and wind we struggled and suffered with on Saturday morning, we did pretty well. after the sale was done we cleaned up and counted the grand total. we had made nearly $300 (the girls were shooting for $500). if it had been warmer and calmer out we most certainly would have made much more.
but with a few post garage sale purchases of a patio set and an 'auction' for some "Token" BBQ meals for 6 and 25 people, the young women met their goal and then some. now we do not have to worry about coming up with any money at all for camp fees! Hooray!

I actually sold a few of my crocheted toys.

I did sell a couple of more than are pictured here (an apple and two more little owls), but I didn't take a picture of those.
I sold 14 items and two plates of bars. Erica sold a plate of cookies that she loves to bake (they are good).
we feel very successful.

1 comment:

The Osborne Family said...

YAY! That's awesome. Congratulations!

almost 2 years have gone by

why do I always do this? so many things have happened in the past two years.  I just feel so silly that I haven't kept up on the blog.  ...