Friday, October 14, 2011

age is starting to show it's self in my hair

I don't exactly feel devastated by this, but I feel like I want to do something about it.

when i was much younger I had blond hair. as I've gotten older and more exactly after pregnancy hormones messed with me 5 times my hair has turned more of a brown. it's still kind of blond, but it's more really dirty dish water blond. so I've noticed that I have some silver hairs. not gray. not white, but silver. if more of my hair was silver I would wear it with pride. but it just looks drab like the rest of me. I'm wondering what color I should dye my hair to look more not awful. I love red hair, but I think it would look terrible on my complexion. I don't want to try to go blond and end up with even worse hair. I already hate to be seen in public so I don't want to color my hair to something that is going to draw more attention. but I want it to be something natural enough that I won't have a shockingly obvious color line as my hair grows out.
ugh. I never thought this day would come

1 comment:

Anita said...

I do highlights. It's much harder to see my grays (the ones that somehow escape the cream) and the dreaded "line" isn't as obvious in my hair as it would be with a full dye job. I remember finding my first gray hair the day I came home from the hospital with Logan. I was already a hormonal mess, but seeing that gray hair just about had me bawling!

almost 2 years have gone by

why do I always do this? so many things have happened in the past two years.  I just feel so silly that I haven't kept up on the blog.  ...