Sunday, June 20, 2010

hoping for a happier post...

I thought it was about time to post something chipper-er on here...
but all I can think about is the weather.

we have had a lot of rain which is good, but the sun is nice too. it's just that we see a lot less of the sun than we do rain.
a few days ago we had some bad weather here in MN. in several areas in MN there were tornadoes and I am terrified of them, especially being in our teeny weeny house.
I don't pray as much as I should, but boy howdy! I prayed so much that night that our house would be left unharmed and that my family would be safe.
when I was little, storms made me nervous and I would be a little afraid, but I always had Mom and Dad and they would keep me safe so in my childish mind I didn't really have to be scared.
but since I've had children, strong winds and hail and greenish yellow skies chill me to the bone.

and despite all my terror that I feel when these types of storms arise, you can see me standing next to the biggest windows in the house or even stepping outside to watch the clouds.
I must get that crazy streak from my dad. He's always been a bit of a thrill seeker.

(edited this because it took a huge left turn and I didn't really mean to vent)

I have certainly learned that being a grown up does not make a person invincible or even brave. if anything I've become more afraid of things and know that parents have a lot of imperfections

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almost 2 years have gone by

why do I always do this? so many things have happened in the past two years.  I just feel so silly that I haven't kept up on the blog.  ...