Sunday, November 28, 2010

the one that will drive you all away

I have in essence been disowned by my biological contributor because I told him I think he and his wife are wrong.
they asked. I said. they got mad and good riddance. but they wanted to know and if they weren't prepared to hear what I had to say then they should have kept their mouths shut. because, really, what did they expect? I'm sure they knew what was going to happen when they started it.
because seriously, I'm 36 I have a mind of my own and I have a family of my own. I'm not about to be all 'boo hoo, you're right and I'm a stupid girl child'
I think that they got exactly what they set out for, me being rid of them.

It's okay though... they think it's about money because that's all they think about, but really it's about 36 years of him being a crap dad to me. and I'm just sick of him being so oblivious and thinking he's just never wrong, and never ever caring about me.
So I'm glad that I will never have to have anything to do with his shriveled old harpy wife or him again.

Yay! I'm FREE


Unknown said...

Oh my word, what happened? It is really hard to take things back if you put them in writing. Can I help you?

Abby said...

He'll never read this.
and as awful as it sounds, I would never take it back anyway. I can't apologize for the way that I feel, it's genuinely the way I feel.

he's a jerk, his wife's a brat. the end

almost 2 years have gone by

why do I always do this? so many things have happened in the past two years.  I just feel so silly that I haven't kept up on the blog.  ...