Saturday, February 14, 2009

she had a great time

Tim picked up Erica from her dance last night. It was only two hours long but she says they all wished that it had been longer.
she danced with her friends and they took pictures. she even danced with a boy. even though it was supposed to be a slow dance they danced fast and silly to the song. apparently they got bored dancing slow. :)
I'm so glad that she had a good time.
Next week she has a church dance in the cities. I hope that one goes as well.


The Osborne Family said...

Hooray! Dances are so much fun! I'm glad she had a good experience. Where is the dance in the Cities?

Abby said...

the dance is at the St Paul Stake Center.

we are still figuring out if we will pick her up at midnight or if we will have one of the leaders drop her off at grandpa's house and pick her up in the morning.

Birrd said...

I have so many good memories of church dances in the Cities. :)

School dances were fun, but in my day, the church dances were even better. Let us know how Erica compares the two.

almost 2 years have gone by

why do I always do this? so many things have happened in the past two years.  I just feel so silly that I haven't kept up on the blog.  ...